Differentiating Zumba Basic and Zumba Gold

Zumba Basic and Zumba Gold have been created to specifically cater to the fitness and entertainment needs of various individuals. But do you really know the difference between the two? Instructors can be certified to teach either or both, depending on the workshop type. Understanding the features and characteristics can help you decide which one is ideal for your current condition and situation.

About Zumba Basic

Zumba Basic is the primary type of the workout routine which provides you the basic movements and exercises to stay supple, lean and trim. It usually lasts an hour or less, depending on the routine. You get to move nonstop from one type of dance and music to another such as doing the salsa, merengue, belly dance, hip hop, cha cha, etc.

This is a fun and good workout for most individuals, allowing you to burn around 450 calories or more per session. Classes are held in fitness facilities, most usually. There are also Zumba Basic workshops that help individuals teach Zumba to the general population. You get to learn the steps and tips on how to develop an effective routine. The workshop usually lasts one day.

Zumba Gold Details

Zumba Gold was specifically created to help individuals who may not be capable enough of following Zumba Basic. This is a special type of workout that focuses more on very sedentary individuals, physically incapacitated people, true beginners and senior citizens. The course was designed to address the different needs of the growing senior population. Some of the advantages include better balance, flexibility, agility, mental focus and stamina, with special considerations on sensitive body parts like the hip, joints and shoulders.

Zumba Gold effectively takes care of the physiological and mental needs of the aging individual. The music, steps and routine are generally the same as Zumba Basic, except for the pace, which is quite slower. To teach Zumba Gold, you have to learn the dances and different transition movements and techniques that will make classes safe and enjoyable. The Zumba Chair workout is also introduced especially for individuals confined in a chair or wheelchair.

The 1 or 2-Day Zumba Workshop

The original Zumba workshop lasted 2 days, since so much information is provided to potential instructors. The One-Day Zumba workshop was made to improve convenience and affordability. Regardless if you take the 1 or 2-day course, you will receive a Certificate of Completion which provides you official Zumba instructor status. Both workshops generally cover the same content and material.

As a professional in this field, you are expected to continually update your skills and knowledge on the program. You can get continuing education and are required to renew your certificate on a yearly basis. This way, you can be highly regarded as truly proficient and an expert in the field. Check the ZIN always for current updates.

The Difference of the Workshops

A lot of the workshops that last for 2 days are presented by Zumba creator, Beto Perez, while most of the single-day workshops are presented by well-trained ZES or Zumba Educational Specialists. Many individuals find the two-day workshop truly inspirational as Alberto Perez shares secrets, tips and his passion on the fitness program. The one-day workshop provides 5.5 AFAA CEUs with most offering 0.7 ACE CECs. The two-day workshop provides 7.5 AFAA CEUs and no ACE CECs.

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